Friday, December 2, 2011

Waiting Well

We have many families that are in the process of waiting. Waiting to find the right child to adopt, waiting to bring their new child or children home, waiting for the next foster child... The list goes on.

While it may seem frustrating at times, the waiting process is an important piece of the adoption and foster care journey, and there are many things you can do to learn and prepare for the exciting next steps in your journey.

First, pray. God knows all your feelings - struggles, fears, anticipation, excitement - so share with Him your heart. He is the ultimate listener and counselor in our lives, and cares about us deeply.

Second, get connected with others that are waiting. There is great comfort in joining with others that are also in the waiting process, and knowing that you're not alone. You may even find that life-long friendships and support networks may develop during this time.

Third, gather information on the next steps of your journey. There are many helpful resources online and at your local library. Some favorite websites include: Empowered to Connect, Christian Alliance for Orphans, and Tapestry, and interesting books you may want to look into include Handbook on Thriving as an Adoptive Family, Wrapping Around Adoptive Families, The Connected Child, Adopted for Life, The One Factor, and many more.

Fourth, wrap around another family to support their needs during this time. Take the focus off your own pain and come alongside another adoptive or foster family to help encourage to them and lighten the load.

Last, move forward with hope. Even though uncertainties remain, move forward with a faith-filled hope. God knows what He is doing. Trust in His perfect timing.